Finding Phong is an uplifting documentary that follows Phong, a Vietnamese transwoman, for more than a year as she prepares to undergo gender confirmation surgery. Part intimate video diary and part traditional documentary, directors Tran Phuong Thao and Swann Dubus provide the audience with a profound glimpse into the physical and psychological voyage that Phong must make to fulfil her dream in becoming a woman.
The film comprises excerpts from Phong’s own intimate video journal, interspersed with scenes from her encounters with family, friends, work colleagues, and doctors. As the youngest of four children, Phong is from a small, traditional town in central Vietnam. While her older siblings are supportive, her elderly parents need a little more convincing. Her 72-year-old mother and 87-year-old father do want what is best for their child, despite their difficulty in understanding her choice.
Refreshingly frank, the film highlights the emotional depth and supreme relief involved in the transformational process, observing a complex yet ultimately inspiring journey of the self. The documentary became a major influence in Vietnam. After it was screened for the National Assembly, in November 2015 its members voted to change the country’s Civil Codes to recognize the rights of transgender people in Vietnam. The law will take effect in 2017.
Tran Phuong Thao, Swann Dubus / Vietnam / 2015 / 92 min
Vietnamese (with English Subtitles)
***Preceding the film will be the following short(s):
We Are Coming Home (Nhà Đối Diện)
Le My Cuong / Vietnam / 2015 / 19 min
Centered around the love story of Phat and Khang, a gay couple living and working together in present-day Vietnam, this documentary shows the changing views of Vietnamese society towards LGBTQ relationships and people.